
モレキュラーデバイスは、ImageXpress Confocal HT.aiシステムに対して、フレキシブルなオプションを提供しています。丸底あるいは平底プレートといった様々なサンプルフォーマットでの画像取得や、環境制御下での細胞のモニタリングなど、様々な研究ニーズを満たす柔軟性の高いシステムです。30年を超えるイメージングの経験を持つ当社が、アッセイに最適な画像を確実かつ正確に取得することのできるオプションの選択をお手伝いします。


  • 水浸対物レンズ

  • 透過光ユニット

  • 環境コントロールユニット



モレキュラーデバイスは、ImageXpress Confocal HT.aiシステムをカスタマイズして、ユーザーのニーズに合わせた調整を行うことができます。インキュベーター、リキッドハンドラー、フルオートメーションワークセル用のロボットなどの他社の装置とも統合できます。ライフサイエンス業界で30年以上の経験を持つ当社は、高品質な製品と世界中でのサポートを提供しています。

販売は当社のCustom Product Purchase Terms(www.moleculardevices.com/custom-products-purchase-terms)に従って行います。

  • 深部組織観察用共焦点ディスクモジュール

  • ハイスループットな長期間カイネティクス

  • ロボットオートメーション




  • 焦点外の光ノイズの抑制
  • ヘイズ(ピンホールクロストーク)を低減
  • 厚みのある組織サンプルの深くまで透過し、シャープな画像を取得
Standard spinning disk



  • 3次元(3D)細胞モデルは、現在非常に注目されており、in vivoで生じている組織の微小環境や細胞間相互作用、生物学的プロセスをより生理学的に正しく再現できるとされています。ImageXpressシステムのようなハードウェアテクノロジーとMetaXpress®ソフトウェアの統合された3D解析モジュールを組み合わせることで、予測能の高いデータを生成できます。このインターフェースだけで、スループットやデータの質を犠牲にすることなく、3D画像取得と解析の課題に応えることができ、発見に信頼性をもたらします。

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  • ガン細胞とその環境との相互作用は、複雑であり、ほとんど解明されていません。ガンの研究者は、この相互作用を簡単に研究でき、治療介入ポイントを特定するためのツールを必要としています。スフェロイドやオルガノイド、腫瘍や器官のin vivoな環境を模倣するOrgan-on-a-Chipシステムといった生物学的に重要な3D細胞構造を様々な場面で使用して、容易にガンの研究を行える装置とソフトウェアについて情報を提供します。

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  • セルペインティングは、ハイコンテントな多重染色画像を利用したアッセイで、細胞プロファイリングに利用されます。セルペインティングアッセイでは、最大6種類の蛍光色素が使用され、核、小胞体、ミトコンドリア、細胞骨格、ゴルジ体、RNAなどの様々な細胞の成分を標識します。これは、細胞全体の代表的な画像を取得するために、できるだけ多くの細胞を「ペイントする」ために行われます。


  • 3次元空間で細胞を培養する一般的な方法のひとつに、マトリゲルのような細胞外マトリックスベースのハイドロゲルを使用するものがあります。細胞は細胞外マトリックス(ECM)内で培養され、in vivoな環境を再現します。マトリゲル培養と2D細胞培養の違いは、細胞の形態、細胞極性、遺伝子発現の違いの中に容易に見ることができます。また、ハイドロゲルを用いると、細胞遊走や、血管形成研究における内皮細胞管形成などの3D構造の形成に関する研究も可能になります。

  • ワクチン、治療薬、および診断薬など、COVID-19に効果が期待される治療法を開発するため、SARS-CoV-2ウイルスのより詳しい理解に焦点を当て、細胞株の開発、結合親和性、ウイルス中和、ウイルス力価などの感染症研究における共通のアプリケーションに取り組んでいます。

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  • ライブセルイメージングは、生細胞の構造と機能を調べるための顕微鏡を用いた研究です。動的な細胞のプロセスをリアルタイムで可視化し、定量化できます。ライブセルイメージングは、長期的な培養を伴う事例や生細胞を蛍光標識する事例など、幅広いトピックとアプリケーションを含んでいます。

  • ニューロンは、神経突起と呼ばれる部分を伸ばすことで、つながりを作ります。この生物学的現象は神経突起伸長と呼ばれます。神経突起伸長を引き起こすシグナル伝達機構を理解することで、神経毒性反応や化合物スクリーニング、あるいは神経再生に影響を与える因子の解釈に関する有用な見識が得られます。ImageXpress MicroシステムとMetaXpress画像解析ソフトウェアを組み合わせると、スライドやマイクロプレートを用いた細胞アッセイの神経突起伸長イメージングと解析を自動化できます。

  • Organ-on-a-Chipのようなオルガノイドに関するテクノロジーは、3Dマトリックス支持層を用いた細胞の共培養と、それにより得られる細胞構造への栄養分や化合物の灌流を行うマイクロ流路の使用により、組織の生理機能を模倣します。 これは新薬や毒性の生物学的に重要なスクリーニングモデルとして急速に人気を得てきています。

  • オルガノイドは、ヒトの組織の複雑な構造と機能を厳密に再現するように設計された3次元(3D)多細胞微小組織です。高次の自己集合を示す細胞の共培養から成ることが典型的で、複雑なin vivoの細胞応答および相互作用を従来の2D細胞培養よりも高度に描出することが可能です。

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  • スフェロイドはin vivoの細胞応答および相互作用を模倣する多細胞3D構造です。再現性が高く、ハイコンテントスクリーニングに合わせてスケールアップできます。2D単層培養した接着細胞と比較して、3D培養はガン細胞本来の環境をより正確に反映していると考えられます。このような巨大な構造の測定を行う場合は、スフェロイド塊内の様々な深度で画像を取得して3Dで解析するか、一枚の2D投影画像に変換してから解析を行います。

  • 多能性幹細胞は、発生生物学の研究で使用されます。組織特異的な細胞の供給源として分化させて、スライドやマルチウェルプレートを用いて、生細胞または固定細胞としてアッセイに使用できます。ImageXpressシステムは、分化の追跡から品質管理、特定の細胞タイプの機能の測定まで、幹細胞研究者のワークフローのあらゆる段階で有用なシステムです。

  • 新薬の開発や既存薬再開発(ドラッグリポジショニング)において、オフターゲット効果や毒性効果のスクリーニングは非常に重要です。ImageXpressシステムは、ハイスループットセルベースアッセイによる毒性試験に適した、自動画像取得および解析のための完全に統合されたハードウェア・ソフトウェアプラットフォームです。オプションの環境コントロールを使用すれば、生細胞の反応やカイネティック反応をリアルタイムで数日間モニタリングできます。

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ImageXpress Confocal HT.aiシステム

ImageXpress Confocal HT.aiハイコンテントイメージングシステム



カメラ sCMOS(4メガピクセル以上)
視野面積 1.96 mm²(対物レンズ10倍使用時)
サンプル処理速度 200,000ウェル/日以上
対物レンズ ドライ(1X~100X)、油浸(40X、60X、100X)および水浸(20X、40X、60X)
フィルター切替方式 8ポジションの吸収フィルターホイールおよび5ポジションのダイクロイックミラーホイール
オートフォーカス方式 レーザーオートフォーカス、イメージオートフォーカス(併用可能)
サポートされるプレート 1536ウェルプレートまで
ソフトウェア MetaXpress画像取得・解析ソフトウェア、IN Carta画像解析ソフトウェア



ImageXpress® Confocal HT.aiハイコンテントイメージングシステムのリソース

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    ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai

    ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai システムは、3D オルガノイドやスフェロイドのアッセイの画質と処理量を高め、他の技術ではなし得ない観察を実現します。


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    Stem cell science insights and breakthroughs presented at #ISSCR2021

    If you didn’t get a chance to visit us at our poster sessions during ISSCR 2021, don’t fret. We’ve gathered all our sessions right here for you. The ISSCR Annual Meeting brought…


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    Overcome the challenges of high-content cell analysis through AI/machine learning

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding its way into many aspects of modern life, from autonomous vehicles to voice-powered personal assistants, and even the creation of art. But it…


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    Cellular Imaging Insights

    Gain insights and expedite studies for 2D and 3D cellular structures using automated cellular imaging.


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    Life sciences technology predictions for 2021

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    High-performance Customizations

    Capture more data at greater depths for 3D and thick tissue samples Scalable, high-performance, high-content screening solutions with the ImageXpress® Micro Confocal system


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    Neurotoxicity profiling using 3D human iPSC-derived neural spheroids

    Test compound effects and screen for neurotoxic chemicals using 3D neural spheroids.

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    3D Imaging Advantage

    Learn about the advantage and the technology behind 3D cellular image acquisition and analysis.


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    Imaging Solutions to Answer Your Biological Questions

    Learn about our imaging family and which solution is best suited to answer your biological questions.


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    MetaXpress High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software

    Capture high-resolution images, recognize and segment objects, calculate parameters, and then translate your information into meaningful data. At Molecular Devices, we’re inspired by…


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    3D Image Analysis Module

    Complex assays and three-dimensional cell models better represent tissue biology and cell interactions, making them more relevant for many toxicity and drug screening assays. The abi…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Improving the robustness of Cell Painting with a near-infrared label and advanced image and data analytics

    Image-based phenotypic profiling approaches such as the widely used Cell Painting assay use high-content imaging along with multiparametric readouts to study biological, genetic, and…


  • Scientific Poster

    Automation of 3D organoid culture workflow with deep-learning based image analysis

    3D cell culture as a model system is increasingly popular because it recapitulates the in vivo microenvironment better than 2D cell cultures. Organoids have the capacity for stable d…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Automation and high content imaging of 3D triple-negative breast cancer patient-derived tumoroids assays for compound screening

    Triple negative breast cancer is a clinically aggressive tumor subtype, with high rates of metastasis, recurrence, and drug resistance. Currently there are no clinically approved sma…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Improving the robustness of Cell Painting with a near-infrared label and advanced image and data analytics

    Image-based phenotypic profiling approaches, such as the widely-used Cell Painting assay, use high-content imaging along with multiparametric readouts to study biological, genetic, a…

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  • アプリケーションノート

    Deep Learning-based Image Analysis for Label-free Live Monitoring of iPSC and 3D Organoid Cultures

    Complex 3D biological models such as organoids and patient-derived spheroids are gaining popularity in many biomedical research areas because they more closely recapitulate the in vivo


  • アプリケーションノート

    Organoids for disease modeling and in vitro drug screening

    3D cell models representing various tissues were successfully used for studying complex biological effects, tissue architecture, and functionality. However, the complexity of 3D models…


  • Scientific Poster

    Organoids for disease modeling and in vitro drug screening: Automated culture monitoring, imaging, and analysis of complex biological systems

    3D cell models representing various tissues were successfully used for studying complex biological effects, tissue architecture, and functionality. However, the complexity of 3D mode…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Monitoring organoid development and characterization of calcium oscillation activities in iPSC-derived 3D cerebral organoids

    Cerebral organoids are a rapidly developing technology that has great potential for understanding brain development and neuronal diseases. They can also be used for testing effects o…

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  • Publications

    Project Profile: Organoid Innovation Center

    Lab Manager speaks to Dan O’Connor, vice president, drug discovery, Molecular Devices, about the company’s Organoid Innovation Center in San Jose, CA. The center is 180 sq. ft., with…


  • Publications

    Organs-on-Chips: Expand the Boundaries of In Vitro Testing

    Humans began culturing animal cells and tissues as early as the late 19th century, when Wilhelm Roux first showed that chick embryos could be cultured in saline solution for a few da…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content quantitation of cancer stem cells from a glioblastoma cell line cultured in 3D using GrowDex-T hydrogel

    Culturing cell models in 3D has the advantage of recreating a more ?? ????-like cell environment. With this improved physiological relevance comes a variety of considerations to…


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    IN Carta Image Analysis Software

    IN Carta™ Image Analysis Software solves complex image analysis problems utilizing advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) turning images into data. Easy-to-use workflows help you get…


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    Tips for running a successful live cell imaging experiment

    There have been significant advancements in microscopy and camera technology, as well as advancements in technologies for labeling molecules of interest over the past decade. These…


  • Blog

    Overcome the challenges of high-throughput 3D imaging

    Thanks to recent advances in imaging technologies, we are now able to observe and analyze complex cellular networks in three dimensions. Through 3D imaging, we can acquire and…


  • Publications

    Shaping the Future of Organoid Research

    Molecular Devices, a provider of innovative life science technology, recently unveiled a brand new, first-of-its-kind Organoid Innovation Center. Situated at the company’s global hea…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Lung organoids as an assay model for in vitro assessment of toxicity effects by 3D high-content imaging and analysis

    Organoid models have increasingly gained popularity in biologic research and screening to recapitulate complexity of real tissues. To model the in vivo human lungs, we have cultured…


  • Publications

    Disease Modeling with 3D Cell-Based Assays Using a Novel Flowchip System and High-Content Imaging

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) cell structures for modeling tumors, organs, and tissue to accelerate translational research. We describe here a novel…


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    Get to Know our Field Applications Scientist: Cheryl Bell

    Cheryl Bell talks about making the transition from manual microscopy to automated microscopy Our Field Applications Scientist, Cheryl Bell, was recently featured in a Women in…


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    Automated 3D cell-based assays using a novel flow chip system and high-content imaging

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) cell structures for modeling tumors, organs, and tissue to accelerate translation research. Significant progress has b…

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    How Cell Painting is making its mark on drug discovery

    Have you ever heard the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words?” When it comes to Cell Painting, this saying is especially true. Cell Painting is a high-content,…


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    Danaher’s SCIEX and Molecular Devices Businesses Debut New Products

    It has been a busy beginning of the year for Danaher’s Life Sciences segment. In January, the business reported 2020 revenues of $10.6 billion, represen…


  • Scientific Poster

    Using a laser light source for high-content automated imaging

    In this study, we demonstrate improvement in assay sensitivity, precision, and speed of acquisition with a new configuration of the ImageXpress® Confocal HT.ai High-Content Imaging S…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Simplified workflow for phenotypic profiling based on the Cell Painting assay

    Multiparametric high-content screening approaches, such as the Cell Painting assay, are increasingly being used in many applications ranging from drug discovery programs to functiona…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Lung organoids as an assay model for in vitro assessment of toxicity effects by 3D high-content imaging and analysis

    Organoid models have increasingly gained popularity in biologic research and screening to recapitulate complexity of real tissues. To model the in vivo human lungs, we have cultured…

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  • アプリケーションノート

    Improve sensitivity, speed, and assay quality for complex biological assays

    Here, we demonstrate improvement in assay sensitivity, quality, and speed of acquisition with the ImageXpress® Confocal HT.ai, our high-content imaging laser-based system.


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content phenotypic profiling using the Cell Painting assay

    Here, we present a complete workflow for a cell painting assay that can be easily implemented using the ImageXpress Micro system and image analysis with machine learning capabilities


  • アプリケーションノート

    3D cell-based assays using a novel fluidics flowchip technology and high-content imaging

    Known as lab-on-a-chip systems, microfluidics gained popularity for its demonstrated success manipulating small volumes of fluid to control chemical, biological, and physical processes.


  • Blog

    Get to know our Field Applications Scientist: Kayla Hill

    Kayla Hill discusses the latest trends in cellular imaging We recently hosted a webinar with our Field Applications Scientist, Kayla Hill, PhD, who explored high-content analysis…


  • Scientific Poster

    3D imaging and analysis of angiogenesis in the organ-on-a-chip platform

    Angiogenesis is the physiological process of formation and remodeling of new blood vessels and capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels.1 This can be achieved through e…

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  • アプリケーションノート

    High-throughput screening of 3D cell cultures with multiple high density scaffold-free spheroids for cancer toxicity studies

    3D spheroid models for cancer research are gaining popularity because they better mimic the in vivo tissue architecture, gene expression and metabolic profile of tumors compared to…


  • eBook

    High-content imaging for diverse 3D cell culture models

    Investigate diverse 3D models and resolve common challenges experienced in 3D cell culture assays.


  • Scientific Poster

    AI-based analysis of complex biological phenotypes

    Cell-based phenotypic assays have become an increasingly attractive alternative to traditional in vitro and in vivo testing in pharmaceutical drug development and toxicological safet…

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  • アプリケーションノート

    3D image analysis and characterization of angiogenesis in organ-on-a-chip model

    Angiogenesis is the physiological process of formation and remodeling of new blood vessels and capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels. This can be achieved through endothelial…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Phenotypic characterization of neuroactive compound effects

    The FLIPR Penta system is powered by a high-speed EMCCD camera and the new ScreenWorks Peak Pro 2 software. The system allows measurement and analysis of complex patterns of calcium…


  • Scientific Poster

    Automated Long-term 3D Cell-Based Toxicity Studies Using a Flowchip System

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) cell structures for modeling tumors, organs, and tissue to accelerate translation research.1 Significant progress has…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Multiplexed automated assays for neurotoxicity evaluation using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural 3D cell models

    Cell-based phenotypic assays have become an increasingly attractive alternative to traditional in vitro and in vivo testing in pharmaceutical drug development and toxicological safet…

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  • アプリケーションノート

    Monitor mitochondria dynamics and phenotype with high-content imaging

    Mitochondria are the main energy source for cells and play a key role in regulating cellular metabolism. Mitochondria can change their structures depending on environmental conditions…


  • Scientific Poster

    Complex event analysis for neurotoxic profiling of compound effects on human iPSC-derived neural spheroid 3D cultures

    To speed up the development of more effective and safer drugs, there is an increasing need for more complex, biologically relevant and predictive cell-based assays for drug discovery…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Water immersion objectives for automated high-content imaging to improve precision and quality of complex biological assays

    The purpose of these studies was to determine if water immersion objectives, used to improve image quality in complex biological assays, could be used in a high-throughput environmen…

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  • Flyer

    Water Immersion Objectives for the ImageXpress Micro Confocal system

    Gain the sensitivity to capture more phenotypic data at greater depths. Our high-content imagers and expert team are here to help your lab simplify imaging and analysis of complex, 3…


  • アプリケーションノート

    A high-content tube formation assay using an ?? ????? angiogenesis model

    Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones, is a critical step involved in various biological processes, such as endothelial sprouting, proliferation,…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Measure cell migration using a simple scratch assay with timelapse live-cell imaging

    The movement or migration of cells has long been studied to elucidate the physiological mechanisms of angiogenesis, embryogenesis, cancer metastasis, immune responses, and wound…


  • Presentations

    Functional and mechanistic neurotoxicity profiling using human iPSC-derived neural 3D cultures

    Expertise in human iPSC-derived neural and cardiac platforms; Focus on adapting platforms to HTS and producing assay-ready solutions to accelerate drug discovery; Neural platform:…

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  • アプリケーションノート

    Explore cardiac function by measuring calcium oscillation or contraction patterns

    Understanding the impact of drugs on cardiac system early in the development process is critical to improve the safety of drugs getting to market. Cardiotoxicity is believed to be one…


  • Scientific Poster

    Advantages and challenges of phenotypic screening in 3D culture including ECM

    Learn more about the advantages and challenges of using 3D culture in phenotypic screening

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  • Scientific Poster

    High-throughput single-cell contractility measurements using FLECS with ImageXpress Micro

    Track contractility of each single cell within each population over long experimental times.

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  • アプリケーションノート

    High-throughput screening of single-cell contractile force using FLECS Technology

    The ability of mammalian cells to generate mechanical forces—to push, pull, or squeeze—is an intrinsic capability that is used by cells both individually and together as tissue to…


  • Scientific Poster

    A novel high-throughput solution for screening drugs with a light-crosslinked VersaGel 3D tumor culture model and automated high-content imaging

    Screen models that mimic in vivo tumor microenvironment using novel 3D cell culture platform, VersaGel and Symphony

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  • Scientific Poster

    Measure cell migration using automated cell imaging and analysis

    Effectively image and analyze cell migration using a scratch assay or a dissolvable biocompatible gel

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  • アプリケーションノート

    Acquire data 10X faster from 3D spheroids cultured using Symphony® and VersaGel®

    Most in vitro cell culture work is performed in two-dimensions (2D), where cells grow on a flat surface. However, culturing cells in 2D to screen drugs provides a limited picture of…


  • eBook

    Quantitate Neuron Potential

    Gain valuable insights into neurobiology, from evaluation of ion channels to analysis of 3D neuron organoids.


  • eBook

    Phenotypic Screening With iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes and Neurons

    This new eBook discusses early drug safety testing using HTS iPSC-derived cells with imaging. Download it now!


  • アプリケーションノート

    Counting cells with the Transmitted Light Analysis Module in MetaXpress

    Label-free cellular assays are required for a multitude of biological applications that monitor the cell number, proliferation, health, confluency, and cytotoxicity. In this…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Analyze experimental results using curve fitting with MetaXpress 6.5 software

    The ability to annotate your plate, plot your data into a graph, and produce a variety of curves and readouts including IC50 values and benchmark dose or concentration for your…


  • eBook

    Acquire and analyze 3D images like a pro

    There has been significant progress in the development of 3D models and techniques during the last few years. Methods include biodegradable scaffolds, organ-on-a chip structures, or…


  • Scientific Poster

    High-Throughput Assays for Characterizing Viability and Morphology of 3D Cancer Spheroid Cultures

    Three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models span the gap between two-dimensional cell cultures and whole-animal systems. By mimicking features of the in vivo environment and taking advant…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Phenotypic Assessment of Toxicity Using a Human Hepatocyte Co-Culture Model

    Development of predictive in vitro assays for early toxicity evaluation is extremely important for improving the drug development process and reducing drug attrition rates during cli…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Novel High Content Stem Cell-based Assays for Screening

    The biopharma industry is continuing to adapt more cell-based assays for primary and secondary screening because of higher biological relevance and increased value of information.…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • アプリケーションノート

    Measuring mitochondrial shape and distribution using the ImageXpress Micro High-Content Imaging System

    Using high-content imaging assays allow cells cultured and treated in microplates to be imaged alive without wash steps for real-time studies of cells in their most natural state,…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Assessment of drug effects on cardiomyocyte physiology using human iPSC-derived cardiac spheroids

    Cell models are becoming more complex in order to better mimic in vivo microenvironments and provide greater predictivity for compound efficacy and toxicity. There is an increasing…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content assay for morphological characterization of 3D neuronal networks in a microfluidic platform

    Establishment of physiologically-relevant in vitro models is crucial to further understanding of the mechanisms of neurological diseases as well as targeted drug development. While…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Automating the generation and analysis of 3D cell cultures in Matrigel®

    Researchers are turning to three-dimensional (3D) cell culture as a way to increase the biological relevance of their disease models and predictive value of drug studies. These 3D…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Automation of 3D spheroid cultures in ultra-low attachment plates

    We have previously described the automated plating, treatment, and analysis of 3D spheroids formed in hanging drop plates (see Automated 3D Cell Culture and Screening by Imaging…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Multi-parameter imaging assay for measuring toxicity in a tumor model

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) spheroids for modeling cancer and tissue biology to accelerate translational research. The goal of this study was to…


  • アプリケーションノート

    3D analysis and morphometric characterization of compound effects on cancer spheroid cultures

    Cellular transformation/tumorigenicity assays using cultures of cells in semi-solid media (soft agar or Matrigel) has been well established for cancer research1,2,5. The assay requires…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content 3D toxicity assay using iPSC-derived hepatocyte spheroids

    There is increasing interest in exploring the use of three-dimensional (3D) spheroids for modeling developmental and tissue biology with the goal of accelerating translational research…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-Throughput Confocal Imaging of Spheroids for Screening Cancer Therapeutics

    In recent years, there has been significant progress in development of in vitro aggregates of tumor cells for use as models for in vivo tissue environments. When seeded into a well of…


  • アプリケーションノート

    3D Imaging of Cancer Cell Spheroids

    Many cancer cell lines will form spheroids if cultured on a favorable three dimensional (3D) matrix. These spheroids are believed to represent tumor physiology more closely than cells…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Live cell kinetics assay utilizing the ImageXpress Micro System

    The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal/ XLS Widefield High-Content Imaging System from Molecular Devices includes optional Fluidics and Environmental Control modules, enabling single-channel…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Assaying cardiotoxicity with ImageXpress high-content screening systems

    The discovery and development of novel drugs is a difficult and expensive process due to lack of tools and techniques to accurately reproduce the human physiological response in the…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Visualize subcellular vesicles to quantitate autophagy in neuronal cells

    Autophagy is an intracellular catabolic process that sequesters and degrades proteins and organelles that have either been recognized as faulty or are simply no longer needed by the…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Increase sensitivity in no-wash assays using confocal imaging

    Screening of hybridoma supernatants for antibodies directed against cell-surface antigens is an important step in the discovery and development of antibodies for vaccines or…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-throughput imaging assays using zebrafish, a model organism for human disease

    Recently, zebrafish-based screening has gained favor as an alternative to mammalian screening due to cost, throughput and reduced ethical concerns. Zebrafish are a useful model for…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Apoptosis detection using EarlyTox Caspase-3/7-D NucView 488 Assay Kit on ImageXpress Micro systems

    Apoptosis is an important mechanism signaling programmed death of cells in normal processes such as embryonic development, as well as in diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content screening of neuronal toxicity using iPSC-derived human neurons

    The nervous system is sensitive to the toxic effects of many chemical compounds, environmental agents and certain naturally occurring substances. Neurotoxicity can cause temporary or…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Intelligent time-lapse imaging to enhance live cell assay development

    The ability to monitor responses in living cells over a specific period of time offers cell biologists several key advantages for assay development. For routine cellbased screening,…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Multiplexed high-content hepatotoxicity assays using iPSC-derived hepatocytes

    Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is an important cause for liver injury and acute liver failure. Thus highly predictive assays for safety and efficacy testing are crucial for improving drug…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Monitoring BNP Expression and Cell Size to Determine Hypertrophic Response in Human Cardiomyocytes

    Cardiac hypertrophy is a condition associated with many heart diseases such as myocardial infarction, ischemia, hypertension, valvular dysfunctions, and is also observed as a toxic…


  • Flyer

    ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System

    The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System provides improved quantification for live or fixed cell assays. This versatile imaging system features a unique confocal t…


  • Scientific Poster

    High-Content Assay for Morphological Characterization of 3D Neuronal Networks in a Microfluidic Platform

    The absence of physiologically relevant in vitro models of the nervous system is an important limitation in using 3D cultures for assay development applicable for neurodegenerative d…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Phenotypic Characterization of Compound Effects on iPSC-derived Cardiac & Liver Spheroids

    Explore PDF & learn the use of fast kinetic fluorescence and 3D image analysis for Phenotypic characterization of compound effects on iPSC-derived Cardiac and Liver Spheroids.…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    In Vitro Assessment of Drug Effects on Human iPSC-Derived Cardiac Spheroid Cultures

    for modeling developmental and tissue biology with the goal of accelerating translational research. Such 3D models can provide different perspectives from traditional 2D cultures on…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Increase Sensitivity with Confocal Acquisition in a High-Throughput Imaging Assay for Detecting DNA Damage and Genotoxicity

    Learn how to improve sensitivity of DNA damage detection & genotoxicity sensitivity with confocal acquisition to detect nuclear punctae in a high throughput imaging assay.

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Screening Cell Cycle Inhibitors using Automated High-Content Imaging

    Monitoring treatment effects on the cell cycle is particularly relevant to progressing oncology research and drug discovery. For instance, compounds known to inhibit mitosis are ofte…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    High-Content Assay for Morphological Characterization of Neuronal Development in 3D Matrix Using Human iPSC-Derived Neuronal Cultures

    Development of more complex, biologically relevant, and predictive cell-based assays for compound screening is one of the main challenges in drug discovery. There is an increasing in…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Predictive Assays for High Throughput Assessment of Cardiac Toxicity and Drug Safety

    Read more about cell based assays for measuring the impact of pharmacological compounds on the rate of beating cardiomyocytes with different assay platforms.

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Morphometric Characterization of Cancer Spheroid Cultures Using Confocal Imaging and 3D Image Analysis

    There is an emerging interest in using three-dimensional (3D) organoid cultures for modeling tissue biology and cancer. Development of higher throughput assays to quantify phenotypic…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • オルガノイドイノベーションセンターのウォークスルー

  • Application and Analysis of Organoid Systems

  • Automating culture and high-content imaging of 3D organoids for in vitro assessment of compound effects

  • Getting Started with 3D Human Tissue Models and Imaging

  • Capturing the Complexity of Cell Biology

  • ISSCR 2021 Innovation Showcase: Automated culture monitoring, imaging, and analysis of complex biological systems

  • A physiologically-relevant 3D ECM for ?? ????? oncology research and intelligent high-content imaging of 3D models

  • Capturing the complexity of 3D biology: Organoids for disease modelling and toxicity research

  • Imaging and Analysis of a 3D Airway Organoid Model

  • ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai / IN Carta Image Analysis Software Introduction

  • Immunology and Vaccine Development Workflow

  • Hybridoma Workflow

  • Disease modeling in the 21st century: Automated organoid assays with 3D imaging

  • High-throughput, organoid-derived organ-on-a-chip systems for drug discovery and disease modelling

  • Unleash the power of Cell Painting

  • 3D cell culture, tissue clearing, & high-content imaging in the quest of effective solutions to NAFLD

  • Transitioning high-content assays to 3D: Scientific opportunities and imaging challenges

  • Gain deeper insights into cellular 3D structures with water immersion objectives

  • An AI-based approach to high-content phenotypic characterization of human iPSC-derived neuronal cells

  • Implementing 3D Neural Spheroids in Drug Discovery

  • Accelerate your screening with high-content and automated imaging

  • Accelerating study of viral infection and therapeutics with microplate-based detection and high-throughput screening

  • ImageXpress Micro Confocal Virtual Tour

  • Magnetic 3D Bioprinting, 3D Cell Culture in a 2D Workflow

  • LabTube Meets Molecular Devices & MIMETAS, Susan Murphy & Sebastiaan Trietsch

  • Plate annotation and curve fitting in MetaXpress

  • Quickstart Guide: Plate acquisition on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal using MetaXpress

  • Quickstart Guide: Review images on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal using MetaXpress

  • Basic workflow from image acquisition to analysis on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal using MetaXpress

  • Developing high-throughput organ-on-a-chip tissue models for drug discovery using high-content imaging

  • Toxicity studies of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and neuronal spheroids

  • Optimizing high-content screening tools for physiologically-relevant 3D in vitro models

  • Morphological Characterization of 3D Neuronal Networks in a Microfluidic Platform

  • 3D Imaging of Cancer Spheroids

  • High-Content Screening for Identifying miRNAs

  • Identification of Selective Inhibitors of the STAT3 Signaling Pathway

  • Oliver Kepp and Jayne Hesley – Hallmarks of Cancer – Detect and Quantify Cell Death Signatures with High Content Imaging

  • Multidimensional High-Throughput Imaging with the New ImageXpress Micro Confocal System

  • Pushing the Boundaries of High Content Screening

  • Preparing Assays for Genome-wide RNAi Screens Using High Content Microscopy

  • Multiplexed High Content Hepatoxicity Assays Using iPSC-Derived Hepatocytes

  • High Content Imaging Analysis of Cell Sheet Morphogenesis Utilizing ?? ????? Tissue Models

  • Implement High-Throughput 3D Image Analysis for Samples from Subcellular Structures to Spheroids

  • Live Cell Imaging to Investigate the Regulation of Cell Division Timing

  • Using High-throughput RNA Screening to Identify Host Factors That Impact Viral Infection

  • Application of HCA Tools for Antibody Drug Discovery

  • Setting up 3D Spheroid Assays Using High-Content Imaging

  • Physiologically-Relevant Tissue Models Using a High-Throughput Organ-on-a-Chip Platform

  • Emerging Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Applications in Drug Discovery

  • StemoniX microBrain 3D Assay Ready Plates for HTS

  • アプリケーションノート

    Improving the robustness of Cell Painting with a near-infrared label and advanced image and data analytics

    Image-based phenotypic profiling approaches such as the widely used Cell Painting assay use high-content imaging along with multiparametric readouts to study biological, genetic, and…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Deep Learning-based Image Analysis for Label-free Live Monitoring of iPSC and 3D Organoid Cultures

    Complex 3D biological models such as organoids and patient-derived spheroids are gaining popularity in many biomedical research areas because they more closely recapitulate the in vivo


  • アプリケーションノート

    Organoids for disease modeling and in vitro drug screening

    3D cell models representing various tissues were successfully used for studying complex biological effects, tissue architecture, and functionality. However, the complexity of 3D models…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content quantitation of cancer stem cells from a glioblastoma cell line cultured in 3D using GrowDex-T hydrogel

    Culturing cell models in 3D has the advantage of recreating a more ?? ????-like cell environment. With this improved physiological relevance comes a variety of considerations to…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Lung organoids as an assay model for in vitro assessment of toxicity effects by 3D high-content imaging and analysis

    Organoid models have increasingly gained popularity in biologic research and screening to recapitulate complexity of real tissues. To model the in vivo human lungs, we have cultured…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Improve sensitivity, speed, and assay quality for complex biological assays

    Here, we demonstrate improvement in assay sensitivity, quality, and speed of acquisition with the ImageXpress® Confocal HT.ai, our high-content imaging laser-based system.


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content phenotypic profiling using the Cell Painting assay

    Here, we present a complete workflow for a cell painting assay that can be easily implemented using the ImageXpress Micro system and image analysis with machine learning capabilities


  • アプリケーションノート

    3D cell-based assays using a novel fluidics flowchip technology and high-content imaging

    Known as lab-on-a-chip systems, microfluidics gained popularity for its demonstrated success manipulating small volumes of fluid to control chemical, biological, and physical processes.


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-throughput screening of 3D cell cultures with multiple high density scaffold-free spheroids for cancer toxicity studies

    3D spheroid models for cancer research are gaining popularity because they better mimic the in vivo tissue architecture, gene expression and metabolic profile of tumors compared to…


  • アプリケーションノート

    3D image analysis and characterization of angiogenesis in organ-on-a-chip model

    Angiogenesis is the physiological process of formation and remodeling of new blood vessels and capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels. This can be achieved through endothelial…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Phenotypic characterization of neuroactive compound effects

    The FLIPR Penta system is powered by a high-speed EMCCD camera and the new ScreenWorks Peak Pro 2 software. The system allows measurement and analysis of complex patterns of calcium…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Monitor mitochondria dynamics and phenotype with high-content imaging

    Mitochondria are the main energy source for cells and play a key role in regulating cellular metabolism. Mitochondria can change their structures depending on environmental conditions…


  • アプリケーションノート

    A high-content tube formation assay using an ?? ????? angiogenesis model

    Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones, is a critical step involved in various biological processes, such as endothelial sprouting, proliferation,…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Measure cell migration using a simple scratch assay with timelapse live-cell imaging

    The movement or migration of cells has long been studied to elucidate the physiological mechanisms of angiogenesis, embryogenesis, cancer metastasis, immune responses, and wound…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Explore cardiac function by measuring calcium oscillation or contraction patterns

    Understanding the impact of drugs on cardiac system early in the development process is critical to improve the safety of drugs getting to market. Cardiotoxicity is believed to be one…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-throughput screening of single-cell contractile force using FLECS Technology

    The ability of mammalian cells to generate mechanical forces—to push, pull, or squeeze—is an intrinsic capability that is used by cells both individually and together as tissue to…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Acquire data 10X faster from 3D spheroids cultured using Symphony® and VersaGel®

    Most in vitro cell culture work is performed in two-dimensions (2D), where cells grow on a flat surface. However, culturing cells in 2D to screen drugs provides a limited picture of…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Counting cells with the Transmitted Light Analysis Module in MetaXpress

    Label-free cellular assays are required for a multitude of biological applications that monitor the cell number, proliferation, health, confluency, and cytotoxicity. In this…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Analyze experimental results using curve fitting with MetaXpress 6.5 software

    The ability to annotate your plate, plot your data into a graph, and produce a variety of curves and readouts including IC50 values and benchmark dose or concentration for your…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Measuring mitochondrial shape and distribution using the ImageXpress Micro High-Content Imaging System

    Using high-content imaging assays allow cells cultured and treated in microplates to be imaged alive without wash steps for real-time studies of cells in their most natural state,…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Assessment of drug effects on cardiomyocyte physiology using human iPSC-derived cardiac spheroids

    Cell models are becoming more complex in order to better mimic in vivo microenvironments and provide greater predictivity for compound efficacy and toxicity. There is an increasing…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content assay for morphological characterization of 3D neuronal networks in a microfluidic platform

    Establishment of physiologically-relevant in vitro models is crucial to further understanding of the mechanisms of neurological diseases as well as targeted drug development. While…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Automating the generation and analysis of 3D cell cultures in Matrigel®

    Researchers are turning to three-dimensional (3D) cell culture as a way to increase the biological relevance of their disease models and predictive value of drug studies. These 3D…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Automation of 3D spheroid cultures in ultra-low attachment plates

    We have previously described the automated plating, treatment, and analysis of 3D spheroids formed in hanging drop plates (see Automated 3D Cell Culture and Screening by Imaging…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Multi-parameter imaging assay for measuring toxicity in a tumor model

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) spheroids for modeling cancer and tissue biology to accelerate translational research. The goal of this study was to…


  • アプリケーションノート

    3D analysis and morphometric characterization of compound effects on cancer spheroid cultures

    Cellular transformation/tumorigenicity assays using cultures of cells in semi-solid media (soft agar or Matrigel) has been well established for cancer research1,2,5. The assay requires…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content 3D toxicity assay using iPSC-derived hepatocyte spheroids

    There is increasing interest in exploring the use of three-dimensional (3D) spheroids for modeling developmental and tissue biology with the goal of accelerating translational research…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-Throughput Confocal Imaging of Spheroids for Screening Cancer Therapeutics

    In recent years, there has been significant progress in development of in vitro aggregates of tumor cells for use as models for in vivo tissue environments. When seeded into a well of…


  • アプリケーションノート

    3D Imaging of Cancer Cell Spheroids

    Many cancer cell lines will form spheroids if cultured on a favorable three dimensional (3D) matrix. These spheroids are believed to represent tumor physiology more closely than cells…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Live cell kinetics assay utilizing the ImageXpress Micro System

    The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal/ XLS Widefield High-Content Imaging System from Molecular Devices includes optional Fluidics and Environmental Control modules, enabling single-channel…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Assaying cardiotoxicity with ImageXpress high-content screening systems

    The discovery and development of novel drugs is a difficult and expensive process due to lack of tools and techniques to accurately reproduce the human physiological response in the…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Visualize subcellular vesicles to quantitate autophagy in neuronal cells

    Autophagy is an intracellular catabolic process that sequesters and degrades proteins and organelles that have either been recognized as faulty or are simply no longer needed by the…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Increase sensitivity in no-wash assays using confocal imaging

    Screening of hybridoma supernatants for antibodies directed against cell-surface antigens is an important step in the discovery and development of antibodies for vaccines or…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-throughput imaging assays using zebrafish, a model organism for human disease

    Recently, zebrafish-based screening has gained favor as an alternative to mammalian screening due to cost, throughput and reduced ethical concerns. Zebrafish are a useful model for…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Apoptosis detection using EarlyTox Caspase-3/7-D NucView 488 Assay Kit on ImageXpress Micro systems

    Apoptosis is an important mechanism signaling programmed death of cells in normal processes such as embryonic development, as well as in diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative…


  • アプリケーションノート

    High-content screening of neuronal toxicity using iPSC-derived human neurons

    The nervous system is sensitive to the toxic effects of many chemical compounds, environmental agents and certain naturally occurring substances. Neurotoxicity can cause temporary or…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Intelligent time-lapse imaging to enhance live cell assay development

    The ability to monitor responses in living cells over a specific period of time offers cell biologists several key advantages for assay development. For routine cellbased screening,…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Multiplexed high-content hepatotoxicity assays using iPSC-derived hepatocytes

    Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is an important cause for liver injury and acute liver failure. Thus highly predictive assays for safety and efficacy testing are crucial for improving drug…


  • アプリケーションノート

    Monitoring BNP Expression and Cell Size to Determine Hypertrophic Response in Human Cardiomyocytes

    Cardiac hypertrophy is a condition associated with many heart diseases such as myocardial infarction, ischemia, hypertension, valvular dysfunctions, and is also observed as a toxic…


  • Blog

    Stem cell science insights and breakthroughs presented at #ISSCR2021

    If you didn’t get a chance to visit us at our poster sessions during ISSCR 2021, don’t fret. We’ve gathered all our sessions right here for you. The ISSCR Annual Meeting brought…


  • Blog

    Overcome the challenges of high-content cell analysis through AI/machine learning

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding its way into many aspects of modern life, from autonomous vehicles to voice-powered personal assistants, and even the creation of art. But it…


  • Blog

    Life sciences technology predictions for 2021

    For over 30 years, Molecular Devices has been at the forefront of technological advances which have contributed to significant scientific breakthroughs. To kick off the new year, we…


  • Blog

    Tips for running a successful live cell imaging experiment

    There have been significant advancements in microscopy and camera technology, as well as advancements in technologies for labeling molecules of interest over the past decade. These…


  • Blog

    Overcome the challenges of high-throughput 3D imaging

    Thanks to recent advances in imaging technologies, we are now able to observe and analyze complex cellular networks in three dimensions. Through 3D imaging, we can acquire and…


  • Blog

    Get to Know our Field Applications Scientist: Cheryl Bell

    Cheryl Bell talks about making the transition from manual microscopy to automated microscopy Our Field Applications Scientist, Cheryl Bell, was recently featured in a Women in…


  • Blog

    How Cell Painting is making its mark on drug discovery

    Have you ever heard the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words?” When it comes to Cell Painting, this saying is especially true. Cell Painting is a high-content,…


  • Blog

    Get to know our Field Applications Scientist: Kayla Hill

    Kayla Hill discusses the latest trends in cellular imaging We recently hosted a webinar with our Field Applications Scientist, Kayla Hill, PhD, who explored high-content analysis…


  • Brochure

    Imaging Solutions to Answer Your Biological Questions

    Learn about our imaging family and which solution is best suited to answer your biological questions.


  • Brochure

    MetaXpress High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software

    Capture high-resolution images, recognize and segment objects, calculate parameters, and then translate your information into meaningful data. At Molecular Devices, we’re inspired by…


  • Brochure

    3D Image Analysis Module

    Complex assays and three-dimensional cell models better represent tissue biology and cell interactions, making them more relevant for many toxicity and drug screening assays. The abi…


  • Brochure

    IN Carta Image Analysis Software

    IN Carta™ Image Analysis Software solves complex image analysis problems utilizing advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) turning images into data. Easy-to-use workflows help you get…


  • eBook

    Cellular Imaging Insights

    Gain insights and expedite studies for 2D and 3D cellular structures using automated cellular imaging.


  • eBook

    High-content imaging for diverse 3D cell culture models

    Investigate diverse 3D models and resolve common challenges experienced in 3D cell culture assays.


  • eBook

    Quantitate Neuron Potential

    Gain valuable insights into neurobiology, from evaluation of ion channels to analysis of 3D neuron organoids.


  • eBook

    Phenotypic Screening With iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes and Neurons

    This new eBook discusses early drug safety testing using HTS iPSC-derived cells with imaging. Download it now!


  • eBook

    Acquire and analyze 3D images like a pro

    There has been significant progress in the development of 3D models and techniques during the last few years. Methods include biodegradable scaffolds, organ-on-a chip structures, or…


  • High-performance Customizations

    Capture more data at greater depths for 3D and thick tissue samples Scalable, high-performance, high-content screening solutions with the ImageXpress® Micro Confocal system


  • Flyer

    Water Immersion Objectives for the ImageXpress Micro Confocal system

    Gain the sensitivity to capture more phenotypic data at greater depths. Our high-content imagers and expert team are here to help your lab simplify imaging and analysis of complex, 3…


  • Flyer

    ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System

    The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System provides improved quantification for live or fixed cell assays. This versatile imaging system features a unique confocal t…


  • Presentations

    Functional and mechanistic neurotoxicity profiling using human iPSC-derived neural 3D cultures

    Expertise in human iPSC-derived neural and cardiac platforms; Focus on adapting platforms to HTS and producing assay-ready solutions to accelerate drug discovery; Neural platform:…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Advantages and challenges of phenotypic screening in 3D culture including ECM

    Learn more about the advantages and challenges of using 3D culture in phenotypic screening

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Publications

    Project Profile: Organoid Innovation Center

    Lab Manager speaks to Dan O’Connor, vice president, drug discovery, Molecular Devices, about the company’s Organoid Innovation Center in San Jose, CA. The center is 180 sq. ft., with…


  • Publications

    Organs-on-Chips: Expand the Boundaries of In Vitro Testing

    Humans began culturing animal cells and tissues as early as the late 19th century, when Wilhelm Roux first showed that chick embryos could be cultured in saline solution for a few da…


  • Publications

    Shaping the Future of Organoid Research

    Molecular Devices, a provider of innovative life science technology, recently unveiled a brand new, first-of-its-kind Organoid Innovation Center. Situated at the company’s global hea…


  • Publications

    Disease Modeling with 3D Cell-Based Assays Using a Novel Flowchip System and High-Content Imaging

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) cell structures for modeling tumors, organs, and tissue to accelerate translational research. We describe here a novel…


  • Publications

    Danaher’s SCIEX and Molecular Devices Businesses Debut New Products

    It has been a busy beginning of the year for Danaher’s Life Sciences segment. In January, the business reported 2020 revenues of $10.6 billion, represen…


  • Scientific Poster

    Neurotoxicity profiling using 3D human iPSC-derived neural spheroids

    Test compound effects and screen for neurotoxic chemicals using 3D neural spheroids.

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Automation of 3D organoid culture workflow with deep-learning based image analysis

    3D cell culture as a model system is increasingly popular because it recapitulates the in vivo microenvironment better than 2D cell cultures. Organoids have the capacity for stable d…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Automation and high content imaging of 3D triple-negative breast cancer patient-derived tumoroids assays for compound screening

    Triple negative breast cancer is a clinically aggressive tumor subtype, with high rates of metastasis, recurrence, and drug resistance. Currently there are no clinically approved sma…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Improving the robustness of Cell Painting with a near-infrared label and advanced image and data analytics

    Image-based phenotypic profiling approaches, such as the widely-used Cell Painting assay, use high-content imaging along with multiparametric readouts to study biological, genetic, a…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Organoids for disease modeling and in vitro drug screening: Automated culture monitoring, imaging, and analysis of complex biological systems

    3D cell models representing various tissues were successfully used for studying complex biological effects, tissue architecture, and functionality. However, the complexity of 3D mode…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Monitoring organoid development and characterization of calcium oscillation activities in iPSC-derived 3D cerebral organoids

    Cerebral organoids are a rapidly developing technology that has great potential for understanding brain development and neuronal diseases. They can also be used for testing effects o…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Automated 3D cell-based assays using a novel flow chip system and high-content imaging

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) cell structures for modeling tumors, organs, and tissue to accelerate translation research. Significant progress has b…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Using a laser light source for high-content automated imaging

    In this study, we demonstrate improvement in assay sensitivity, precision, and speed of acquisition with a new configuration of the ImageXpress® Confocal HT.ai High-Content Imaging S…

    Scientific Posterをダウンロードする 

  • Scientific Poster

    Simplified workflow for phenotypic profiling based on the Cell Painting assay

    Multiparametric high-content screening approaches, such as the Cell Painting assay, are increasingly being used in many applications ranging from drug discovery programs to functiona…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Lung organoids as an assay model for in vitro assessment of toxicity effects by 3D high-content imaging and analysis

    Organoid models have increasingly gained popularity in biologic research and screening to recapitulate complexity of real tissues. To model the in vivo human lungs, we have cultured…

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  • Scientific Poster

    3D imaging and analysis of angiogenesis in the organ-on-a-chip platform

    Angiogenesis is the physiological process of formation and remodeling of new blood vessels and capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels.1 This can be achieved through e…

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  • Scientific Poster

    AI-based analysis of complex biological phenotypes

    Cell-based phenotypic assays have become an increasingly attractive alternative to traditional in vitro and in vivo testing in pharmaceutical drug development and toxicological safet…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Automated Long-term 3D Cell-Based Toxicity Studies Using a Flowchip System

    There is an increasing interest in using three-dimensional (3D) cell structures for modeling tumors, organs, and tissue to accelerate translation research.1 Significant progress has…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Multiplexed automated assays for neurotoxicity evaluation using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural 3D cell models

    Cell-based phenotypic assays have become an increasingly attractive alternative to traditional in vitro and in vivo testing in pharmaceutical drug development and toxicological safet…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Complex event analysis for neurotoxic profiling of compound effects on human iPSC-derived neural spheroid 3D cultures

    To speed up the development of more effective and safer drugs, there is an increasing need for more complex, biologically relevant and predictive cell-based assays for drug discovery…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Water immersion objectives for automated high-content imaging to improve precision and quality of complex biological assays

    The purpose of these studies was to determine if water immersion objectives, used to improve image quality in complex biological assays, could be used in a high-throughput environmen…

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  • Scientific Poster

    High-throughput single-cell contractility measurements using FLECS with ImageXpress Micro

    Track contractility of each single cell within each population over long experimental times.

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  • Scientific Poster

    A novel high-throughput solution for screening drugs with a light-crosslinked VersaGel 3D tumor culture model and automated high-content imaging

    Screen models that mimic in vivo tumor microenvironment using novel 3D cell culture platform, VersaGel and Symphony

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  • Scientific Poster

    Measure cell migration using automated cell imaging and analysis

    Effectively image and analyze cell migration using a scratch assay or a dissolvable biocompatible gel

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  • Scientific Poster

    High-Throughput Assays for Characterizing Viability and Morphology of 3D Cancer Spheroid Cultures

    Three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models span the gap between two-dimensional cell cultures and whole-animal systems. By mimicking features of the in vivo environment and taking advant…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Phenotypic Assessment of Toxicity Using a Human Hepatocyte Co-Culture Model

    Development of predictive in vitro assays for early toxicity evaluation is extremely important for improving the drug development process and reducing drug attrition rates during cli…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Novel High Content Stem Cell-based Assays for Screening

    The biopharma industry is continuing to adapt more cell-based assays for primary and secondary screening because of higher biological relevance and increased value of information.…

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  • Scientific Poster

    High-Content Assay for Morphological Characterization of 3D Neuronal Networks in a Microfluidic Platform

    The absence of physiologically relevant in vitro models of the nervous system is an important limitation in using 3D cultures for assay development applicable for neurodegenerative d…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Phenotypic Characterization of Compound Effects on iPSC-derived Cardiac & Liver Spheroids

    Explore PDF & learn the use of fast kinetic fluorescence and 3D image analysis for Phenotypic characterization of compound effects on iPSC-derived Cardiac and Liver Spheroids.…

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  • Scientific Poster

    In Vitro Assessment of Drug Effects on Human iPSC-Derived Cardiac Spheroid Cultures

    for modeling developmental and tissue biology with the goal of accelerating translational research. Such 3D models can provide different perspectives from traditional 2D cultures on…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Increase Sensitivity with Confocal Acquisition in a High-Throughput Imaging Assay for Detecting DNA Damage and Genotoxicity

    Learn how to improve sensitivity of DNA damage detection & genotoxicity sensitivity with confocal acquisition to detect nuclear punctae in a high throughput imaging assay.

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  • Scientific Poster

    Screening Cell Cycle Inhibitors using Automated High-Content Imaging

    Monitoring treatment effects on the cell cycle is particularly relevant to progressing oncology research and drug discovery. For instance, compounds known to inhibit mitosis are ofte…

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  • Scientific Poster

    High-Content Assay for Morphological Characterization of Neuronal Development in 3D Matrix Using Human iPSC-Derived Neuronal Cultures

    Development of more complex, biologically relevant, and predictive cell-based assays for compound screening is one of the main challenges in drug discovery. There is an increasing in…

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  • Scientific Poster

    Predictive Assays for High Throughput Assessment of Cardiac Toxicity and Drug Safety

    Read more about cell based assays for measuring the impact of pharmacological compounds on the rate of beating cardiomyocytes with different assay platforms.

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  • Scientific Poster

    Morphometric Characterization of Cancer Spheroid Cultures Using Confocal Imaging and 3D Image Analysis

    There is an emerging interest in using three-dimensional (3D) organoid cultures for modeling tissue biology and cancer. Development of higher throughput assays to quantify phenotypic…

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  • オルガノイドイノベーションセンターのウォークスルー

  • Application and Analysis of Organoid Systems

  • Automating culture and high-content imaging of 3D organoids for in vitro assessment of compound effects

  • Getting Started with 3D Human Tissue Models and Imaging

  • Capturing the Complexity of Cell Biology

  • ISSCR 2021 Innovation Showcase: Automated culture monitoring, imaging, and analysis of complex biological systems

  • A physiologically-relevant 3D ECM for ?? ????? oncology research and intelligent high-content imaging of 3D models

  • Capturing the complexity of 3D biology: Organoids for disease modelling and toxicity research

  • Imaging and Analysis of a 3D Airway Organoid Model

  • ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai / IN Carta Image Analysis Software Introduction

  • Immunology and Vaccine Development Workflow

  • Hybridoma Workflow

  • Disease modeling in the 21st century: Automated organoid assays with 3D imaging

  • High-throughput, organoid-derived organ-on-a-chip systems for drug discovery and disease modelling

  • Unleash the power of Cell Painting

  • 3D cell culture, tissue clearing, & high-content imaging in the quest of effective solutions to NAFLD

  • Transitioning high-content assays to 3D: Scientific opportunities and imaging challenges

  • Gain deeper insights into cellular 3D structures with water immersion objectives

  • An AI-based approach to high-content phenotypic characterization of human iPSC-derived neuronal cells

  • Implementing 3D Neural Spheroids in Drug Discovery

  • Accelerate your screening with high-content and automated imaging

  • Accelerating study of viral infection and therapeutics with microplate-based detection and high-throughput screening

  • ImageXpress Micro Confocal Virtual Tour

  • Magnetic 3D Bioprinting, 3D Cell Culture in a 2D Workflow

  • LabTube Meets Molecular Devices & MIMETAS, Susan Murphy & Sebastiaan Trietsch

  • Plate annotation and curve fitting in MetaXpress

  • Quickstart Guide: Plate acquisition on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal using MetaXpress

  • Quickstart Guide: Review images on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal using MetaXpress

  • Basic workflow from image acquisition to analysis on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal using MetaXpress

  • Developing high-throughput organ-on-a-chip tissue models for drug discovery using high-content imaging

  • Toxicity studies of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and neuronal spheroids

  • Optimizing high-content screening tools for physiologically-relevant 3D in vitro models

  • Morphological Characterization of 3D Neuronal Networks in a Microfluidic Platform

  • 3D Imaging of Cancer Spheroids

  • High-Content Screening for Identifying miRNAs

  • Identification of Selective Inhibitors of the STAT3 Signaling Pathway

  • Oliver Kepp and Jayne Hesley – Hallmarks of Cancer – Detect and Quantify Cell Death Signatures with High Content Imaging

  • Multidimensional High-Throughput Imaging with the New ImageXpress Micro Confocal System

  • Pushing the Boundaries of High Content Screening

  • Preparing Assays for Genome-wide RNAi Screens Using High Content Microscopy

  • Multiplexed High Content Hepatoxicity Assays Using iPSC-Derived Hepatocytes

  • High Content Imaging Analysis of Cell Sheet Morphogenesis Utilizing ?? ????? Tissue Models

  • Implement High-Throughput 3D Image Analysis for Samples from Subcellular Structures to Spheroids

  • Live Cell Imaging to Investigate the Regulation of Cell Division Timing

  • Using High-throughput RNA Screening to Identify Host Factors That Impact Viral Infection

  • Application of HCA Tools for Antibody Drug Discovery

  • Setting up 3D Spheroid Assays Using High-Content Imaging

  • Physiologically-Relevant Tissue Models Using a High-Throughput Organ-on-a-Chip Platform

  • Emerging Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Applications in Drug Discovery

  • StemoniX microBrain 3D Assay Ready Plates for HTS







Imaging Webinar: 3D スフェロイド画像解析

